Blue Like Jazz

If you've not read this, do. Of course, we all like books that say things that we want to say or say things that we are saying. This is one of those. It goes a bit further tho in that it convicts as well.
Am I allowing myself to be sharpened by the iron of community? Not really. Is there room enough in my view of Jesus to allow that he might not be Republican? Am I embracing the social justice aspects that Jesus would have embraced?
I was recently in India-no-place. I really like the town, especially when I am not paying for things myself. They have some great steak places. Actually, a really high concentration of good food in such a compacted area. At any rate, I was hanging out with some work friends in a bar. I had a beer, as in single, just one, uno.
I've often said that I think Jesus would hang out in a bar every so often. That he gravitated towards the hurting, the poor, those seeking Him in everyplace that He's not. But that night, as I was leaving, I realized that I was falling prey to a dangerous rationalization. In fact, the fact that I rationalized it is what makes it dangerous. If I am in a bar to have a beer, like I would be in a Baskin Robins having an ice cream (mint chip with carmel, fudge, butterscotch, whip cream, cherry), that should be the end of it. No big deal, its just enjoying life. But I wasn't. I was trying to Christianize the experience.
And as I walked back to the hotel, I realized that Jesus WOULD go to the bar. But He'd stand in the center and call out:
HEY! Everyone! Listen! If you are trying to hide from something, trying to bury something, cover it up, if you are thirsty and this isnt cutting it, I've got something for you! Come to me and I will give you something that won't leave you in pain tomorrow morning!
And of course, he'd get bounced. But half the bar would empty and the other half would party like it's AD 99.
Bottom line -- I'll still have a beer. But not under the auspices of being spiritual. Under the auspices of enjoying life, no problem.
Bottom bottom line -- Read the book. Check out the website. The website is one of the finest in execution, navigation, and content I've ever seen. Brilliant.
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