Black and White

I've often been accused of thinking in black and white. The funny thing about thinking in black and white is that no matter how black or how white the thought, I still live is the gray. Lewis would call it the Shadowlands. David would call it the valley of the shadow.
I view it as standing under a solitary lamp on the corner of a black street. Right around me, things are clear and visible, but moving out from the lamp, things get grayer and grayer until they succumb to the blackness. In my view, the further we get from the Light of the Word, the Truth, the grayer and grayer it gets until it turns black. The gray areas are simply matters in which I dont know all the Truth. The more time I spend in the Light, the more obvious it becomes where the Light ends and darkness begins.
Of course, thinking this way doesnt necessarily translate into living this way. I so often step out of the Light and into the gray. On rare occasions, leaving the Light behind, I venture into the darkness. Sometimes it's accidental, chasing something that catches my eye until I look around and realize I can no longer see. Other times, it's "justified", as in, I go into the darkness so that I can better appreciate the Light. Whatever the reason, the darkness offers little solace and I run back into the Light as soon as I recognize my folly.
Presently, I am wondering how much of the things I had categorized as black or white are really grey. Or rather, how many things that were white are only white because I had kindled my own light by which to illuminate my way. Which, when exposed to the True Light, becomes very black indeed.
And often, even with True Light shining over my shoulder, all I can see is the shadow I cast. Unless I turn my back to the darkness and walk slowly toward the light, I will always be led by my shadow and not the Light.
In the Shadowlands of anoallasso,
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